Packaging Trends of Today: What You Need To Know
By today’s standards, packaging is not only defined as some material used to enclose a product to the consumer. The packaging, in addition to the product, is now like a representation of the company, and therefore the company must treat it as such. Sourcing a report...Harsh Environment Labeling In Manufacturing
Harsh Environment Labeling in Manufacturing In today’s international, just-in-time market, companies should be well informed on the ability to safely manufacture a product that is insulated from outside factors, such as excessive heat and frigid temperatures, damp or...Thе Importance of Decorative Lаbеlѕ on Соnѕumеr Рrоduсtѕ
Decorative Labels Product decorative labels are vital to a company’s marketing mix and ultimately, to its sales. A well-executed and well-designed label helps a product stand out on crowded storeshelves. Potential buyers are faced with difficult decisions daily at...
Automated Print & Apply: Choosing The Right One
Automated Print & Apply: Choosing The Right Automated Print Engine – To Match Or Not To Match (Part 4 of a 4 Part Series) To Match Or Not To Match Matching should be reserved for curtains and bedspreads or shoes and belts, but is not necessarily a good thing...